Drone Control

Last week I watched as a US Senator took the “moral high ground” by championing “gun control.” This coming from someone who sits idly by while US Presidents wage war after war all over the world. By championing the use of drones and sending other people’s kids to die in said wars. The same senator, like his cohorts, also sits by while thousands of abortions are committed every year. (Still holding my breath for a Republican controlled government to ban abortion.)

Since 2001 there have been close to 250,000 CIVILIAN deaths in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. It’s estimated another 800,000 civilians have perished as an indirect result of the wars. Thousands of innocents have been killed by drones. And this is championed by congress. In spite of innocent families destroyed, two thousand year old churches demolished, homes and businesses flattened, and entire populations (even Christians… there are Christians in the Middle-East) displaced and even eradicated. All of this without protests, outrage, or a call for legislation.

Lets face it, the US is entrenched in culture of death. There have been over 60 million abortions in the US since 1973 and 1,442 Executions since 1976. Many of the latter have been found innocent with the utilization of DNA as evidence in older investigations. Again, no protests, just crickets chirping and the media pitting the two parties against each other.

You can blame video games for school shootings. You can blame guns. You can blame the NRA, TV, cinema, and parents. But the United States of America is drowning in a culture of death.

In light of the hundreds of thousands killed in perpetual war, a broken justice system, abortions, mass shootings, and the like…

I demand drone control.

I demand legislation control.

I demand Washington, DC be held accountable for the innocent blood on every politician’s hands.